I'm including a graph of progress so far, because, who doesn't love metrics?
Figure 1. The first $3,000 have been raised. The graph shows progress towards goal over time, with combined hours and dollars being presented as Normalized $.
A couple explanatory notes. You may notice small jumps or packed data points at the beginning of the month. For cool people like my brother who report to me a monthly total, I just assign those the first of the month for data tracking reasons. It does make it look at if there are some days that are more popular for volunteering.
Also, You'll notice the last month or so has been much more productive than the first 3 months of the project. This gives me some confidence that with momentum (and support!), we can make this ambitious goal. I'll include another update of lessons I've learned in the last month or so that will really help.
What pushed us over the edge? My mother-in-law taught a 6 hour class to 4H kids on how to make sock monkeys. Cheers to her for supporting kids learning important life skills!
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